Детские книги. Книжка для детей.
Книжка серии «Фильм-сказка», созданная по мультфильму «Топтыжка» 1976г
Мультфильм «Гуси-лебеди»
Детские рассказы на английском языке
Английский детям
Детские рассказы на английском языке — для тренировки техники чтения и самостоятельного перевода.
Всего десять рассказов на английском языке для детей:
Once upon a time a baby elephant named Jumbo used to live in a forest. He always used to dream that one day he would be able to swim. His mother tried hopelessly to make him believe that he is very heavy in weight thats why he could not swim. But he never listened.
He would reach by the river and happily look at his glance in it.
Once he slept early and then he dreamed that he was swimming deep in the river. He was swimming here and there and frolicking happily. He made friendshp with some small but harmless fishes. He even found a place to take rest in nights. He was very happy. He could see the colors of different lights that were flickering ceaselessly. The lights were coming out from some fishes that were very beautiful and colorful.
After seeing him, the colorful fishes went to him and they asked his name. He said his name was Jumbo and from the very next day he became friends with them.
Now they would daily play hide and seek together. But in the meanwhile Jumbo could not realise the mischievious plan of those fishes. The fishes actually were very amused at the look of Jumbo. They wanted to make his big ears there home. They thought how would it like be if they play hide and seek in Jumbo’s big fans like ears and his mouth.
One day when Jumbo was fast asleep after playing, all those colorful fishes arrived and entered his mouth and making exit fom his ears. They were playing and making fun of Jumbo. When Jumbo woke up he realised that he made a big mistake by making friendship with them.
He cried but nobody came for his help. At last his mother woke him up from his dream. Seeing his mother in front of him, Jumbo cried inconsolably and promised that he would never ever think of swimming in future. That made his mother happy and she served him hot delicious food
©2009 Renuka Singh Saxena
There was once a baby crocodile. He had a beautiful shiny tail and all the other crocodiles were horrible to him because they were jealous of him.
One day the little baby crocodile counted all his beautiful shiny scales and there were a thousand. A lot more than he thought. So he counted all the other crocodiles and there were twenty and that was including the grown up crocodiles. He decided that he had many scales and could spare forty from his tummy so he wished for forty of his scales to be on his pillow by morning, but there weren’t any. Even three weeks later there weren’t any.
Then one day a magic crocodile granted him a wish. He wished for forty of his scales to be on his pillow when he woke up in the morning.
He woke up and there were forty beautiful shiny scales on his pillow. So he gave all twenty crocodiles, including his parents two scales each.
From then on everybody was kind to the little baby crocodile who had given away forty of his beautiful shiny scales.
©2001 Steph Skellorn
Флеш игра на развитие внимания
Онлайн игра на развитие внимания у детей.
В игре три уровня:
1 уровень — Найти на картинке аналогичные изображения кошек, которые даны в правом верхнем углу
2 уровень — Найти на картинке всех кошек
3 уровень — Найти отличия между двумя картинками с кошками
Маленькие кленовые листочки из бисера
Поделки из бисера. Бисер и бисероплетение для начинающих.
Осенние кленовые листочки из бисера.
Предлагаем сделать маленькую кленовую веточку, которая может стать прекрасным подарком для ваших родных или же украсит в вазочке ваш стол. Кленовые листики можно использовать в детской аппликации, при оформлении открыток и подарков, в бижутерии для девочек и т.п.
Схема плетения маленького кленового листочка из бисера: [Читать далее…] about Маленькие кленовые листочки из бисера
Зонты, меняющие цвет под дождем
Зонты Squidarella, меняющие цвет под каплями дождя — разработка Британской компании SquidLondon, идея художника Jackson Pollock. Когда зонтик сухой он черно-белый или серо-белый, но при намокании, узор на зонте приобретает яркие сочные краски. Когда зонтик высохнет рисунок снова становится белым. В России такие зонты производит компания EnjoyMe. Особенно такие зонтики понравятся детям!
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Отличный способ поднять настроение во время дождя! [Читать далее…] about Зонты, меняющие цвет под дождем